Sound Transit plans, builds and operates express bus, light rail and commuter train services. It serve the urban areas of King, Pierce and Snohomish counties.
BRIDGE Housing will utilize two development lots from Sound Transit to build two multi-story buildings that could provide 234 affordable homes to Bellevue residents.
The Ballard Link Extension will add 7.7 miles of light rail, connecting downtown Seattle to Ballard, while the West Seattle Link Extension will add 4.1 miles of light rail from...
The selection of the route and station locations for the extension authorizes the project to move forward into the final design phase and establishes the project definition for...
To improve police visibility in the Sound Transit system, a seven-police officer bike team will be patrolling stations and transit spaces within the Sound Transit service area...
The mission of the Equity in Infrastructure Pledge is to build generational wealth and reduce the racial wealth gap by improving public infrastructure contracting practices to...
Sound Transit will open two new stations on the Link 2 Line in Redmond, Wash., on May 10 while Houston Metro has opened the new Missouri City Park & Ride.
In the second episode of the ITP, the hosts dive into improvements in transportation infrastructure with Dr. Darcy Bullock from Purdue University and Terri Mestas from Sound Transit...
Transit expansion and electrification projects in Washington and California have expanded mobility up and down the West Coast, connecting people and communities.
Your weekly update features BART's Fleet of the Future, rabbittransit's driver recruitment campaign, Valley Metro Bus Rodeo, Sound Transit's Northgate Link Extension and a behind...
The cutterhead measures 21 ½ feet in diameter. Sound Transit’s tunneling contractor JCM Northlink will spend the next few weeks removing the 600-ton, 333-foot long machine from...
The King County Sheriff’s Office made four arrests on Aug. 16 as part of Operation Safe Transit, which was launched May 1 as a pilot program to make transit safer along 3rd Ave...
LEED certification provides Sound Transit independent verification of sustainable design two months ahead of the opening of the Lynnwood Link Extension on Aug. 30.
The Final EIS responds to comments on the 2021 and 2023 Draft EIS documents, provides a detailed look at project benefits and potential impacts and mitigation measures that would...
The first phase of the new program will see fare ambassadors test several methods of platform inspections before the Aug. 30 opening of the 1 Line expansion to Lynnwood.
In the first of a two-part series, the relationship between vehicle and track design is examined to understand how the affiliation can mitigate vibration and noise on rail transit...
The new position created by Sound Transit will help lead the development of the agency’s concurrent projects quickly and effectively and bring forth ways to accelerate project...