The agency owns 446 bridges, of which 80 percent of them are at least more than 75 years old and have surpassed their functional lifespan and are increasingly expensive to repair...
The agency stresses that the next couple of years are crucial if it is to avoid resorting to an operating fiscal cliff which would cut services and raise fares.
This station is one of three Metra will be working to rehabilitate with new ADA-accessible street-level entrances and lobbies with elevators; new stairs and headhouses; new composite...
The station now includes a new elevator that makes it accessible to people with disabilities, a new covered staircase, a kiss and ride lane, bicycle parking, improved pedestrian...
The construction work is increasing the line’s capacity because the Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation District, which operates the South Shore Line and is paying for most...
The Passenger Code of Conduct identifies prohibited behaviors for anyone using Metra facilities or trains and allows for the suspension of riding privileges and/or confiscation...
Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission
The program awards grants for transportation-related projects and this year, will fund two transit, 16 pedestrian, 11 bicycle, one freight and 13 road projects.
The final two years of the program will see the partners working on an integrated fare payment solution that supports the program’s goals of providing more equitable mobility....
The advocacy campaign aims to strengthen regional pride in the transit network and build awareness on the positive impact CTA, Pace and Metra services bring to the area.
The funding would allow the CTA, Metra and Pace to purchase and deploy state-of-the-art green technology benefiting riders and residents across four counties.
The projects, some of which are already under construction and will continue through the fall, will ensure Metra customers continue to enjoy safe and reliable service.
In partnership with the Regional Transportation Authority of Northern Illinois, Metra and Cook County, Ill., the Access Pilot Program will extend reduced fares on the entire ...
The $1.1 billion operating budget includes a major revision to the agency’s fare structure and a new mix of fare products while the $574.9 million capital budget continues a significant...