InnoTrans Convention: Dialogue of the International Rail Industry Focuses on Expertise

Sept. 4, 2012
The many panel discussions and papers, from experts and practitioners from the rail industry and allied sectors, will provide participants with valuable information and advice as well as stimulating new ideas.

The InnoTrans Convention comprises a series of specialist events with prominent participants, as an effective supplement to the world's largest trade fair for transport technology, which is taking place on the Berlin ExpoCenter City exhibition grounds. In numerous experts' forums taking place from 18 to 21 September the InnoTrans Convention will address current topics and issues of future relevance to the subject of mobility. In this way, parallel with the product displays, InnoTrans can offer its visitors a highly topical range of information and an outstanding platform for an interdisciplinary dialogue. 

The many panel discussions and papers, from experts and practitioners from the rail industry and allied sectors, will provide participants with valuable information and advice as well as stimulating new ideas. This year the programme of the InnoTrans Convention focuses on six main events. These include the Dialogue Forum, the Rail Leaders' Summit, the International Tunnel Forum and the Public Transport Forum as well as the new Public Transport & Interiors Hall Forum. Admission to the forums is free of charge to those attending InnoTrans, with the sole exception of the Public Transport Forum. 

Overview of the Dialogue Forum

The focal point of the InnoTrans Convention is provided by the Dialogue Forum at the Palais am Funkturm, which is being organised by the following four leading industry associations: the Association of the European Rail Industry (UNIFE), the German Railway Industry Association (VDB), the Association of German Transport Companies (VDV) and the German Transport Forum.

"Technologies Drive Markets – Modern and Pioneer Rolling Stock" is the title of the event on Wednesday, 19 September, 10 a.m., which is being organised by the UNIFE and VDB associations. The event continues at 2 p.m. with the subject of "How to Pass a Locomotive through the Eye of a Needle? A Practical Guide to Rail Vehicles". This panel discussion will take place under the aegis of the German Transport Forum and VDV.

At 10 a.m. on Thursday, 20 September, attention will turn to "Technologies Drive Markets – Modern and Pioneer Infrastructure". The organisers are UNIFE and VDB. "The Future of local Public Transport: Achieving a Balance between Customer and State" is the subject of the discussion at 2 p.m., which is being organised by the German Transport Forum and VDV.

The Dialogue Forum will conclude on Friday at 10 a.m. with an event entitled "Technologies Drive Markets – Modern and Pioneer Railway Services". The associations UNIFE and VDB are responsible for this section of the forum.

Among the highlights of the Convention is the Rail Leaders' Summit (RLS). On Tuesday, 18 September, this high level meeting will bring ministers of transport and state secretaries, director generals of international transport companies and high-ranking association representatives together at InnoTrans. The symposium begins at 2.30 p.m. and will feature an in-depth exchange of views between the participants about current developments in the global rail sector. The RLS is being organised by Deutsche Bahn AG and the patron of this event is the Federal Minister for Transport, Construction and Urban Development, Dr. Peter Ramsauer.

The question of "Safety for Users – Balancing the Demands of Vehicle and Tunnel Design?" will be discussed on Wednesday, 19 September, at 2 p.m. during the International Tunnel Forum. The next day at 2 p.m. the issue of "Infrastructures for Europe – Big Ambitions without Big Projects?" will form the focus of the discussions between experts and interested trade visitors. The International Tunnel Forum is organised by and under the supervision of the German Research Association for Underground Transportation Facilities (STUVA).    

The Public Transport Forum focuses on current and future developments in public transport. "Infrastructures – Rolling Stock – Competition | Public Transport: One System for the Future?!" is the title of the panel discussion that will commence at 10 a.m. on Thursday, 20 September. Responsibility for the Public Transport Forum is in the hands of Planungsbüro für Verkehr (PBV) and ETC Consultants GmbH.

For the first time InnoTrans will feature a Public Transport & Interiors Hall Forum (PTI Hall Forum). This will take a more wide-ranging look at the sectors of Public Transport and Interiors and bring together under one roof the aspects of purchasing and design, which have such an influential part to play in public transport. The main emphasis at the PTI Forum is on the DB Suppliers' Forum and the International Design Forum.

"Shaping the Future – Sustainable Assurance of Quality" is the slogan of the event at 10 a.m. on Thursday, 20 September, at the DB Suppliers' Forum. Organised by Deutsche Bahn AG, this forum is an opportunity for senior buyers from Europe's leading rail transport companies to seek a dialogue with rail industry suppliers. On Wednesday, 19 September, at 1 p.m. attention at the International Design Forum will turn to the subject of "Spot On Materials – Design and Material Creativity". The International Design Centre Berlin (IDZ) is organising this forum with keynote papers in a pecha-kucha format, as well as panel discussions and an accompanying exhibition.

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March 19, 2012