Metrolinx marks substantial progress on Finch West LRT project

April 18, 2023
Progress has been made on the guideway, at the two terminus stations and at the maintenance and storage facility.

Metrolinx has made substantial progress on the Finch West LRT project, including on the guideway, at the two terminus stations and at the maintenance and storage facility.

Structural work wrapped up in late 2022 at the line’s two underground stations, Finch West and Humber College, marking the start of the interior fit-out. Inside, Finch West Station progress has been made on tiling, HVAC installation and drywalling.

Outside, the team is in the final stages on the portal that will guide light-rail vehicles (LRVs) in and out of the station.

At Humber College Station, a series of tarps have been kept out of the winter cold to allow drywalling, fireproofing and painting to take place.

In early March, installation of 153 glass panes began that will line interior and exterior facades.

Outside of Humber College Station, foundation work has begun for a 200-meter (0.12-mile) covered walkway that will connect the station to Humber College.

Maintenance and storage facility

Progress continues to be made on LRVs, as 15 of 18 LRVs have now been delivered, with the final three LRVs slated for delivery by mid-2023.

In the MSF yard and on the test track between York Gate Boulevard and Sentinel Road, vehicle testing has been happening regularly.


At the end of March, here is the progress that has been made on the 11-kilometer (6.83-mile) guideway:

  • Guideway base slab: 92 percent poured
  • Guideway track slab: 74 percent poured
  • Duct banks: 87 percent installed
  • Overhead catenary poles: 75 percent installed
  • Rail installation: 50 percent installed (not including MSF)
  • Stop Canopies: 56 of 116 installed
  • Manhole refurbishment: 100 percent complete (41 total)

In addition, some major upgrades are coming to the Finch West community through the project’s guideway works.

With the completion of manhole refurbishment, brand new fiber-optic cabling (commonly used for internet service) was installed that can be used by utility providers along the Finch West corridor.

At Highway 400, the first new permanent traffic lights were also installed, replacing the temporary ones used during construction. This is the first of dozens of traffic light installations that are scheduled to take place over the spring and summer.

Metrolinx installed a unique water management system to help deal with surges from local waterways.

At Finch Avenue West and Tobermory Road, the team buried a StormBrixx water management system underground. This innovative system captures excess water during heavy rainfall and snowmelt and automatically releases it into the nearby culvert, helping to regulate water flow and prevent flooding nearby.