To meet the environmental commitments of Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority’s (VTA) BART Silicon Valley Phase II Extension Project, VTA is implementing a Construction Outreach Management Program (COMP). The purpose of the COMP is to inform and educate the public and other stakeholders about the construction methods and schedules and associated activities. The goal of the COMP is to reduce construction-related impacts on the community to the extent possible while not impeding construction progress. There are three main components of the COMP:
- The Construction Education and Outreach Plan (CEOP) outlines how and when VTA communicates with the public before and during construction.
- The Construction Transportation Management Plan (CTMP) outlines how VTA coordinates access and circulation for all modes of transportation and mobility during construction.
- The Emergency Services Coordination Plan outlines how VTA coordinates with local emergency services to minimize impact to their response times due to the project's construction.
As outlined in the CEOP, VTA will be implementing a Business Resource Program for businesses near work areas once major construction begins.
In 2020, VTA interviewed businesses along the project corridor to get a better understanding of their needs to inform the first and future CTMPs. Questions to numerous businesses were focused on understanding how each business operates and included:
- Hours of operation, busiest times and number of daily visitors
- Languages spoken and accessibility needs
- Number of employees and visitors that drive and where they park
- Special event considerations
- Schedule and location of deliveries, mail and trash services
- Need for loading and unloading for passengers and/or goods and current curb type
- Need for left turns of delivery vehicles
VTA used this information to develop a framework for the contractors to add details once they determine construction means and methods based on the unique factors at each work area.
VTA just completed and received approval from the cities of San Jose and Santa Clara for the first of several CTMPs. The first Contract Specific CTMP developed for the project is for the early construction activities at the West Portal. The West Portal, near PayPal Park, is the launching point for the Tunnel Boring Machine that will dig the project tunnel. The West Portal is located within VTA’s Newhall Yard, the construction site that crosses between the city of Santa Clara and San José. For the West Portal Early Works CTMP, more than 60 meetings were held between October 2022 and August 2023.
Additional contract specific CTMPs will be developed for future work other work areas at Diridon Station, Downtown San José Station, 28th Street/Little Portugal and the East and West Portals as more details about the construction means and methods are developed by the Tunneling and Trackwork Contractor.