BART Police to Play Santa to Concord Children & Families
he BART Board today announced that its BART police officers played Santa on Saturday, Dec. 17, 2011 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. to families attending the Monument Community Partnership's 12th Annual Las Posada Navidena event on Frisbie Court in Concord. The announcement was made as Board members presented donations collected by BART employees to Monument Community Partnership Director Harold Blair and Business Manager Kathy Renfrow. This is the sixth year BART employees have collected toys and donations for children in need. Each year, BART rotates where in the District it will focus its charitable efforts.
"So many families are in need this year," BART Board Member Gail Murray said. "We are thrilled we will be able to put smiles on the faces of 800 youngsters affiliated with the Monument Community Partnership this holiday season." Murray represents the City of Concord on the BART Board.
"Many programs have actually eliminated their toy drives so the charitable efforts by BART employees, especially our police officers, could not have come at a more opportune time for area families," BART President John McPartland said. "Our annual toy drive is one of the ways we give back to the communities that we serve."
In addition to the toy giveaway, the Saint Matthew Lutheran Church will sponsor free holiday family portraits.