WA: Twin Transit’s Purchase of Electric Bus Stalled by WSDOT Testing, ‘Buy America’ Standards

March 23, 2018
The Twin Transit Authority Board authorized the purchase and obtained grant funding for an electric bus just over two years ago. However, the fleet remains reliant on diesel.

The Twin Transit Authority Board authorized the purchase and obtained grant funding for an electric bus just over two years ago. However, the fleet remains reliant on diesel, according to documents obtained by The Chronicle, despite the completed installation of an electric bus charging station funded by TransAlta last year. 

The bus was expected to be running routes more than a year ago, but never arrived due to the inability of GreenPower Bus, the company Twin Transit contracted with to build the vehicle, to meet “Buy America” standards. 

Read the complete article at http://www.chronline.com/news/twin-transit-s-purchase-of-electric-bus-stalled-by-wsdot/article_d17790e8-2e02-11e8-a6ae-1b2f32bfbfb8.html