BART to begin traction power substation installation at Civic Center Station

March 8, 2021
The installation work will allow BART to build core capacity so the agency can run up to 30, 10-car trains through the Transbay Tube per hour.

The Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) will be adding five new traction power substations over the next several years through the system to ensure reliable service in the future and to build core capacity, which will all BART to run additional 10-car trains through the Transbay Tube (from 23 to 30 per hour).

Two of the substations will be built in downtown San Francisco stations. One at Civic Center and one at Montgomery (another bulletin will be put out when Montgomery timing is settled). While the substations are being installed underground, BART will need to temporarily fence-off sections of the sidewalk above the installation sites so it can bring in the equipment necessary for the work and remove material as it prepares the area below. The areas (all on Market Street) and dates for the fencing to be up are as follows:

Most work will be carried out between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. with occasional night and weekend work.