The C-TRAN Board of Directors approved an extension of C-TRAN’s current fares, keeping them at a reduced level through 2023 and beyond.
Fares are currently $1 per ride for an adult on any local bus route, The Current and C-VAN. Honored citizens pay $0.50 per ride for local services. Express routes to Portland currently cost $2.50 per ride for both adults and honored citizens.
The C-TRAN board originally lowered local and express fares as a 12-month temporary fare reduction through 2022. This week’s action extends those reduced fares indefinitely, until further action is taken. The vote followed a month-long public comment period in which numerous C-TRAN riders and community members weighed in on the proposal, overwhelmingly in favor of extending the reduced fares. The C-TRAN Citizens Advisory Committee previously recommended the same.
When it was initially approved, the fare reduction was primarily focused on easing the burden of transportation for those who continue to rely on C-TRAN or may have returned to using transit during the past year. Keeping fares at the reduced level continues to make transit more accessible for everyone in Clark County.
Other fares, including daily and monthly caps, vary. C-TRAN’s regional fares remain $2.50 per ride for an adult and $1.25 for an honored citizen.