IndyGo approved to move forward with paratransit service community outreach
IndyGo staff have been authorized by the board of directors to advance community outreach and engagement efforts regarding the future of paratransit service.
With this board decision, IndyGo staff can now proceed with planning, scheduling and hosting a series of events intended to further engage the disability community and determine the most effective way to provide paratransit service in the future.
The Paratransit Operational Analysis, commissioned in summer 2019 in response to on-time performance and service challenges, identified four possible ways to provide paratransit service moving forward. Two of the options, which would either keep the service as it currently exists or reduce it to solely the service required by the Americans with Disabilities Act, are no longer being considered. IndyGo says it is now committed to work with the disability community to assess the remaining options and develop innovative and effective ways of providing the service beyond these options.
“IndyGo and its leadership understand that this could be an impactful change for our paratransit riders and don’t take this outreach opportunity lightly,” said Inez Evans, president and CEO of IndyGo. “We want to make it clear that no changes will happen overnight, and we stay committed to providing service to the entire county.”
IndyGo will announce the times and locations of these events, some of which will be held virtually, in the coming weeks.
At the July meeting, IndyGo’s Board of Directors also approved the purchase of 8925 S. Madison Avenue. The property will be used as the electric bus charging station on the southern end of the Red Line.
IndyGo staff also shared that overall fixed route passenger trips were up by nearly 23 percent in June as compared to May of this year. Red Line passenger trips also increased by almost 23 percent over the same period, and Open-Door passenger trips increased by 36 percent. While ridership numbers are significantly diminished as travelers limit their trips due to COVID-19, IndyGo says it is beginning to see riders return to transit.