Deutsche Bahn AG

Berlin 10785


About Deutsche Bahn AG


Potsdamer Platz 2
Berlin 10785

More Info on Deutsche Bahn AG

Logo Db 07 10821549

Deutsche Bahn AG was founded in 1994. Today, it is one of the world's leading passenger and logistics companies and operates in 130 countries.

Products and Press Releases

Maintenance vehicle for catenary installations with the DB Netz No. 711207.

Germany: Robel Delivers Maintenance Vehicles with ETCS to DB NETZ

March 14, 2014
Robel delivered the first of four maintenance vehicles for catenary installations incl. ETCS train control system to DB Netz AG in February 2014.
Photo: InnoTrans
Premier of the ICx with Dr. Peter Ramsauer, Federal Minister of Transport, Building and Urban Development; Dr. Rudiger Grube, CEO Deutschen Bahn AG; Ulrich Homburg, Member of the DB Management Board for Passenger Transport (l.t.r.)

Deutsche Bahn Showcased Spectrum of Rail Services at InnoTrans 2012

Sept. 23, 2012
Deutsche Bahn's mobility and logistics group showcased a comprehensive array of rail services, providing plenty of fuel for friendly discussion.

Articles & News

Joe Petrie, Mass Transit Magazine
Sandra Wappelhorst, senior expert, from the Innovation Centre for Mobility and Societal Change, explains the issues facing Germany in addressing transportation.
40 Under 40

Finding Solutions to Mutual Issues

May 14, 2014
When it comes to how Germans choose to travel, there are a lot of ways they’re similar to Americans.Despite a strong mass transit system, the automobile is still the most dominant...

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