Webasto Product North America, Inc.

Fenton, MI 48430


About Webasto Product North America, Inc.


15083 North Road
Fenton, MI 48430
United States
810 444-7459

More Info on Webasto Product North America, Inc.

Webasto is a world leader in air and coolant auxillary heater systems for the bus and transit industry.

Products and Press Releases

Dbw230300 10067039

DBW 230/300

Aug. 16, 2007
Powerful heat output, ranges from 80,000 Btu/hr (23 kW) to 104,000 Btu/hr (30 kW)A consistent and reliable flow of hot air is delivered to the rail carStarts at temperatures as...
Ngw300naturalgasauxiliaryheater 10067266

NGW 300 - Natural Gas Auxiliary Heater

Aug. 16, 2007
Provides quick interior warm up in cold weather, raising comfort levelsHeater output of 140,000 BTU/h (30kw)Compatible with existing mechanical connections facilitating installation...
Thermoseries 10067418

Thermo Series

Aug. 16, 2007
Variable temperature controlProduces up to 120,000 Btu/hour heat outputMaintains optimal engine operating temperaturesAccelerates window defrosting and defogging


Richard Sherrer

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