Moovit Announces Addition of 1,500 City

Aug. 22, 2017
Moovit has announced the addition of the 1,500th city to the public transport app, an achievement that will be enjoyed worldwide by over 70 million people who enjoy using Moovit to get from A to B via the easiest route possible.

Moovit has announced the addition of the 1,500th city to the public transport app, an achievement that will be enjoyed worldwide by over 70 million people who enjoy using Moovit to get from A to B via the easiest route possible. 

77 countries are now covered by Moovit’s transport app and Dayton, Ohio, marks the 1,500th city making its way into the largest database of transport data in the world. The city is one of 26 already added to Moovit so far in August, alongside additional cities in Australia, Brazil, China, France, Poland, Portugal and the U.S. Moovit now launches in a new city every 15 hours. Next on the list are the Polish cities Gdansk, Cgynia and Sopot, to be followed by Toowoomba, Australia. Then Chengdu, China.

Named Google’s top local app in 2016, Moovit stands apart from the hundreds of local transport apps currently available that are managed by bus or rail companies, cities, or independent organisations that repackage publicly available transport data for a small number of metropolitan areas. 

Moovit’s ubiquity is due to its unique way of collecting transit data. Mixing available public data, including transport timetables and live information, with crowdsourced data from its more than 70 million users and 180,000-strong community of local volunteers, the company has amassed the world’s largest repository of transit data. 

Moovit uses this data to provide local commuters everything they need to get around town via public transport in the easiest and most convenient way via its free app, including the most accurate and precise transport directions, timetables and stop locations anywhere. Moovit has also turned its data into a set of valuable tools for urban planners, governments and developers who are rewriting the rules for managing and governing a future that includes autonomous vehicles, increased ridesharing and alternate forms of transport yet to be introduced.

“The world is on the threshold of a huge transit revolution,” said Moovit Co-founder and CEO Nir Erez. “Urban mobility is at the top of the list for smart cities to be better equipped to deal with burgeoning populations in their centers. With Moovit’s deep repository of hundreds of millions of data points added every day, and a set of unrivaled analytics tools that clearly represent the demand for transit in cities, Moovit is uniquely qualified in the area of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) to help bring the future of urban mobility to life."

Crowdsourcing: Moovit’s Competitive Advantage

Moovit has opened its app in 250 cities around the world so far in 2017 alone. Of those, more than 150 were opened exclusively from the contribution of its community of 180,000 local volunteers called “Mooviters” who make Moovit the Wikipedia of public transport. Mooviters are eager to provide better transport information in their cities and towns where local apps are insufficient or non-existent. Moovit enables Mooviters to “map” the transport information in their communities by using a proprietary local editor tool to add stops, routes, timetables and other information on Moovit’s app. Doing this significantly improves the transport experience and makes Mooviters local heroes.

Thanks in part to the Mooviter program, the company now has more than 2,000 cities in its launch pipeline and adds a new city every 15 hours. 

Said Erez:, “Reaching the milestone of 1,500 cities available on Moovit is only the start. Moovit’s goal is to improve the public transport information, accessibility and experience to everyone in the world who owns a smartphone and uses public transport.”