Alstom and the Italian Ministry of Economic Development (MiSE) and the Lombardy and Piedmont Regions signed a memorandum of understanding for the development of industrial research and experimental development in Alstom sites in Savigliano and Sesto San Giovanni.
The signature of the memorandum of understanding took place during the visit of the Minister of Economic Development, Mr. Carlo Calenda to Alstom’s site in Savigliano, one of the company’s excellence centres for regional trains and for high-speed Pendolino trains in the presence of Sergio Chiamparino, president of the Piedmont region, Giuseppina De Santis, councilor of region Piedmont, Danilo Maiocchi, managing director for economic development of Lombardy region, Henri Poupart-Lafarge, Alstom chairman and CEO and Michele Viale, managing director of Alstom in Italy.
The memorandum of understanding aims at promoting R&D activities to foster technological progress in the field of railway transport. The project will be implemented with the support of the Ministry of Economic Development and of the Piedmont and Lombardy regions.
"It’s really an important step for Alstom and for the whole Industry 4.0. We are really glad that MiSE and the regions of Piedmont and Lombardy believe in our project. The R&D funds will be invested in the development of an innovative platform for the design and prototyping of regional trains, which will be produced and manufactured within an Industry 4.0 production environment, to the highest technological standards," declared Michele Viale, managing director Alstom.
The project presented by Alstom responds to the five main features required by the MiSE, ie innovation in the product, in the production process and company's organizational structure, management of partnerships and services and management of maintenance and assistance.
Alstom will develop the train prototype, the prototype line and the entire project coordination activities in the site in Savigliano. The site in Sesto San Giovanni will be dedicated to the development of traction systems, fire prevention, the control desk and the "control room" for the management of the trains in commercial service.