Atkins has been selected to advise Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) in transforming the state’s aging transportation system into one of the safest and most reliable in the nation. CDOT recently selected Atkins to provide program support for their RoadX Program, Colorado’s commitment to rapid and aggressive implementation of innovative technology to revolutionize the state’s transportation system within the next 10 years.
“With the selection of forward-thinking consultants, our RoadX vision will move a step closer to becoming reality," said Peter Kozinski, CDOT RoadX director. "Our consultants will help us deploy innovative technology that improves our transportation system. These innovations will bring efficiency, increased safety for travelers and demonstrate to industry that we are committed to enhancing the economic vitality of our state."
CDOT is investing $20 million in the next year to combat congestion and improve safety through the use of technology. During the three-year contract period, Atkins and two other consulting firms will be advisors for all RoadX program activities, serving as an extension of staff and helping to move projects from conception through procurement to construction.
“Atkins’ global activities in intelligent mobility enable us to bring advances in technology from around the world,” said Jim Hanson, Atkins RoadX champion. Advances in transportation technology allow us to assist clients with achieving safety and mobility goals with reduced capital construction. Atkins is committed to engaging industry partners, technology experts and the community to further transportation innovation in the state.”
RoadX employs a multipronged DO-IT (deployment, operations, innovation, technology) approach with the objective of being the most efficient, agile and flexible system for delivering transportation technology. From 2016 to 2018, the program is slated to deploy technology that will reduce the cost of transporting goods by 25 percent, turn a rural state highway into a zero death road and improve congestion on Colorado’s critical corridors.