More Optimization for Brazilian Transit

Jan. 26, 2016
The Consorcio Fenix will schedule its fleet and staff shifts in Florianopolis using the Goal Systems' solution.

The transportation sector’s most important Brazilian Group in the metropolitan area of Florianopolis will schedule its 500+ bus fleet and the shifts of more than 1,700 employees with the assistance of Goal Systems, the multinational optimization-software.

GoalBus and GoalDriver — Goal Systems’s advanced tools for optimal scheduling of timetables, bus services and driver shifts — provides public transportation companies with the best results to achieve sustainable mobility. Fenix Consortium’s said these factors led to it putting its trust in Goal Systems to schedule the entire operation in the city with — according to the UN — a superior human development index in Brazil.

Up to 115,000 production kilometers and 8,600 daily trips will be managed by our company in the next few years. Likewise, the five carriers making up the Consortium will benefit from the power of the GoalBus solutions to schedule the shifts of the almost 1,000 drivers and 800 conductors in the system.

The Spanish multinational has a strategic interest in the Brazilian market and, consequently, had a presence there since 2012, when it opened a technical office operated by its own staff (the office recently moved to Rio de Janeiro). Goal Systems will soon open another office in Sao Paulo in order to be even closer to clients. Goal Systems says its clients are companies with projects as ground-breaking as the BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) project in Rio— for which Goal Systems will schedule all its trunk and feeder systems, which have already reached a 1,000 buses. In addition, Goal Systems has struck a global agreement whereby its solutions will schedule all of Rio de Janeiro’s current and future BRT systems, which comprise up to 3,000 units.

Goal Systems attended Brazil’s most important trade fair — Transpúblico 2015, which took place this past quarter. Highlights of the trade show was to illustrate to Brazilian professionals, the software’s power and effectiveness to achieve sustainable mobility with quality with the highest return for all public and private companies.