DSE Seminar Focuses on Expanding Digital Communications Network
Digital Signage Expo (DSE) announced Jan. 27 that its 12-part Digital Signage Seminar Program at DSE 2015 designed specifically for end user professionals will include an hour-long interactive session titled “Substantiating Expansion: Making the Case for Additional Investment in Digital signage Based on ROI/ROO.”
Led by Thomas Kunka, coordinator, network systems and operations, University of Illinois and David Saleme, manager business development, Columbus Regional Airport Authority, this session will explore tactics for finding the justification and funding needed to improve your network before the end of the useful life of the original system so you can learn how to get more out of this investment and secure funds for expansion.
DSE Advisory Board members recently had the opportunity to comment on this timely topic.
DSE Advisory Board member Paul Fleuranges, senior director, corporate and internal communications, New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority, said, “The key to proposing any expansion is figuring out what level of new investment you'll need to add to your existing network while providing for upgrades to what you already have. New bells and whistles are fine, we all want the latest — however, if what you plan to add is fundamentally different both in terms of cost and function from your existing platform, you run the risk of under cutting your own performance and negatively impacting your ROI.”