After more than 20 years, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) is replacing NextMuni, its real-time transit vehicle arrival predictions system with a newer option that will better meet the needs of customers.
Last year, the SFMTA Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors approved a contract for the Next Generation Customer Information System to replace NextMuni. Set to debut in 2022, the new customer information system will focus on improving predictions accuracy, particularly near the beginning of routes, along with several other customer-friendly upgrades.
New, larger graphical signs in transit shelters will also feature maps showing the real-time positions of vehicles. These enhancements will help improve the customer experience and make riding transit easier.
While the SFMTA has been working on the customer information system initiative, SFMTA is still providing customers with the best information possible within the existing NextMuni system's technical limitations. This week, SFMTA made some interim upgrades that will make it easier for customers to navigate around the system and learn about the Aug. 14 service changes.
New NextMuni improvements
SFMTA has optimized NextMuni for the SFMTA website, which means some new conveniences for customers navigating Muni, and important, customer-tested accessibility features:
- Customers can now stay on the SFMTA website for NextMuni predictions.
- Arrival predictions are integrated with stop information rather than being in two different places.
- For Muni stop information and self-updating predictions, typing followed by the 5-or-6-digit Muni stop ID number takes customers directly to the Muni stop web page with details.
- Muni stop pages provide both a vehicle-tracking map and a vicinity map integrated with the predictions and stop information.
- Muni stop pages link to nearby transit stops so customers can consider alternative routes.