MT: New App Means Less Shivering for Billings' MET Transit Bus Passengers

Oct. 9, 2018
As temperatures start dropping this fall into winter, a new MET Transit smart phone app is giving riders up-to-the-minute information about what time their bus will make its appearance.

As temperatures start dropping this fall into winter, a new MET Transit smart phone app is giving riders up-to-the-minute information about what time their bus will make its appearance.

The Double Map app, available for smartphone, tablet or PC, “is going to be really handy with winter coming on,” said Kevin Ploehn, the city of Billings’ director of aviation and transit. “People don’t like sitting and waiting not knowing where their bus is. They can step outside just in time to get a ride.”

Bus drivers and MET Transit employees gave the automatic vehicle locator a two-week trial before MET Transit pronounced it ready Friday. The easy-to-use technology, which had been requested by numerous MET Transit riders and is common in larger cities, cost about $85,000.

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