Topeka Metro has announced free Wi-Fi is now available to bus passengers throughout its fleet of 26 fixed-route buses.
Topeka Metro says it is implementing Wi-Fi to improve the onboard experience for passengers as well as to pave the way for major technology enhancements. Additional technology upgrades will arrive in the first quarter of 2020. First, a smartphone app and online map that show real-time bus locations, routes and stops will be launched. Wi-Fi on the bus allows passengers to access this information as they ride.
The second onboard technology project is Topeka Metro’s automatic interactive-response phone and text system that allows passengers to call or text a phone number to find out when their bus will be arriving at a given bus stop.
“Free public Wi-Fi and ‘where’s my bus?’ technology are among the most often requested improvements to our service,” said General Manager Robert Nugent. “We’re confident these will significantly improve the experience for our existing passengers, and we hope it will also help attract those who have not tried us out yet.”
These technology projects are funded by a grant received from the Kansas Department of Transportation and the Federal Transportation Administration. Topeka Metro is working with DoubleMap, a provider of innovative intelligent transportation system (ITS) for public transit and university systems.