Actia Corp.

Elkhart, IN 46514


About Actia Corp.


52765 Briger Court
Elkhart, IN 46514
United States

More Info on Actia Corp.

Actiacorp 10065532

Actia Corp. is part of the Actia Group, a global company consisting of 26 subsidiaries, specializing in vehicle electronics and diagnostic solutions.Our core competencies include multiplexed on-board systems and diagnostics solutions serving diverse markets such as: defense, commercial vehicle, marine, bus and coach, automotive, and off-highway. Actia is not just another supplier; we distance ourselves from the competition by being a strategic partner to our customers worldwide.

Products and Press Releases

Videosurvellienceequipment 10067467
Safety & Security

Video Survellience Equipment

Aug. 16, 2007
Military-based digital surveillance systemExtreme temperature operating rangeVibration protectionEight channel videoRemovable storage cartridgeProtected video modeEasy-to-use ...


Belal Tiba

Marketing Manager

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