Cubic Transportation Systems has released the latest version of its Synchro plus SimTraffic Signal and Timing and Traffic Analysis at the International Road Federation’s R2T Conference and Exhibition.
Synchro Software and its suite of associated applications is a traffic signal timing software that assists engineers and transportation planners design, model, optimize, simulate and animate signalized and unsignalized intersections, including roundabouts.
“Taking and managing millions of data points and creating valuable insights is a highly complex process. By simplifying aspects of the software, we can have a profound impact as traffic engineers and planners manage their infrastructure around the world,” said Jeff Cornelius, director of software engineering and product development, Trafficware, Cubic Transportation Systems. “With the version 11 release, we continue to make great strides improving our customers’ workflow.”
Synchro is the applications that allow engineers to analyze signal timing in hours versus days and the new release continues to include key recommendations from customers, with version 11 introducing the Scenario Manager.
The Scenario Manager combines like models into a single-file format, simplifying electronic file management while also reducing development time and maintenance. New functionality includes:
- Saving multiple scenarios such as AM peak, PM peak, existing and future traffic to a single Synchro file versus managing multiple files for each analysis scenario.
- Modifying the timing plans for each scenario separately.
- Modifying the volumes for each scenario separately.
- Updating geometry in one scenario while automatically applying to all scenarios.
- Switching between scenarios to easily compare analysis results with different volumes and/or timings.
A benefit of the Scenario Manager within Synchro 11 is the mitigation of coding errors that are possible when managing multiple files with like data. In addition, version 11 standardizes to the global map language of longitude and latitude, allowing Bing Maps to default as the Synchro background. Cubic says using this new map default increases the efficiency of developing the geometry of a Synchro Network without putting extra effort into importing and scaling the background image.