After providing free rides for six months, the Stanislaus Regional Transit Authority (StanRTA) resumed fare collection on Jan. 1, 2022.
The 2022 fare structure applies to all StanRTA’s The S services which resulted from a merger of Modesto Area Express (MAX) and Stanislaus Regional Transit (StaRT) last July. Former MAX and StaRT passes will be honored if they have not been used or activated.
“We understand this will be a big change to the community after so many months of free rides,” said Philip McGuire, CEO, StanRTA. “We hope folks are pleasantly surprised by the fare reductions we’ve enacted.”
Simplifying fares across the previous multiple transit providers was a primary goal of the authority. Both MAX and StaRT operated a slew of different services (fixed-route, dial-a-ride, paratransit, commuter, shuttle and medivan programs), which led to a lengthy list of fare options and categories. StanRTA streamlined the fares, reducing the list of options and incorporating free fares for riders 18 and under on all services.
For riders of the former MAX branded service, a fifty percent reduction was made to the 1-Day Pass, which is now $2.00. This pass replaces the single-ride fare and provides unlimited same-day rides on all The S fixed-routes. A 1-Day Discounted Pass is also available to seniors, persons with disabilities, veterans and Medicare cardholders for $1. The 7-Day and 31-Day Passes have also been reduced to $11 and $48 respectively.
The 1-Day Passes for fixed-route and commuter services are available for purchase at the Transit Center located at 1001 9th St. in Modesto, Calif., and on The S buses. Other passes and tickets are available for cash, check and credit/debit purchase at the Transit Center and the city of Modesto Cashier’s Office.
Residents can also download the Token Transit app to buy any fixed-route or commuter passes. The app is available on Google Play and the App Store. Passes are purchased on the app with a debit or credit card and stored electronically on a mobile device. Free Wi-Fi is available on all S buses.
For many dial-a-ride and ADA paratransit passengers, riding The S will also cost less in 2022. Single trip tickets in 2022 will be $2.50 and are available individually or in 10-packs for $25.00. Qualified individuals can purchase discount tickets for $1.50 or $15.00 for a 10-pack for use on dial-a-rides and shuttles. Dial-A-Ride tickets are currently on sale at the Modesto Transit Center.