MB: Peggo-ing Well: Fare Payment Roll-Out Successful So Far

Oct. 18, 2016
Although fickle electronic fare systems have been large headaches for other cities, Winnipeg Transit has had relatively few problems with its new payment cards.

Although fickle electronic fare systems have been large headaches for other cities, Winnipeg Transit has had relatively few problems with its new payment cards.

“We are quite proud of the fact our system has been able to roll out fairly smoothly,” said transit information supervisor Jonathon Borland.

Calgary Transit cancelled a beleaguered electronic fare collection card in 2015 amidst reliability issues, and Toronto’s transit agency recently conceded too many of its payment terminals are failing.

But for Winnipeg, since beginning its staggered launch of the Peggo card in July, the city has sold 68,381 cards and received just over 700 complaints from the public.

Read the complete article at http://www.metronews.ca/news/winnipeg/2016/10/17/winnipeg-transit-electronic-payment-peggo-successful-to-date.html