Card registration, replacement and hotlistingCard order and statusAccount information accessProgram information/assistanceVRU (voice response units) and/or live operatorsMail-...
Card designFulfillment process designCard inventory managementCard issuanceCard personalization and deliveryCard activationCard re-issuePhoto ID personalization
POS deploymentMerchant, dispute and fraud managementVending machine, Internet and sales office implementationsFunds movement and authorizationAll major credit cards and debit ...
Anytime/anywhere access via the WebEmployee ID card programsReduced fare card programsApplicant qualificationCustomer photo/data managementCard personalization and fulfillment...
Secure Web-based accessRules definitionData collectionTransaction analysisFunds movementReportingReconciliationAuditing for fare transactions and related fees
Secure Web-enabled Transit Card Management System (TCMS)Card personalization and fulfillmentRevenue clearing and settlementPhotoIDNet-Web-based photo ID card managementWebTicket...
Secure Web-based customer self-serviceProgram informationCard registration, purchase and replacementOrder status and historyAccount informationAdd-value managementTransaction ...