Parking and Access Improvements at BART Castro Valley Station Start 7/29
July 19, 2017
Related To: Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART)
On Saturday, July 29, 2017, Bay Area Rapid Transit will begin work in the parking lot and on some surrounding sidewalks and curbs at our Castro Valley Station. This work will proceed on weekends and weekdays through the early fall. The contractor will close off sections of the parking lots and sidewalks as they make repairs and improvements.
Each of the sections will remove no more than a maximum of 200 spaces at a time and will be out of service for only 3 days. When the ADA/accessible spaces are being improved, there will be an equivalent number of temporary ADA/accessible spaces marked in the Carpool parking area.
When BART is working in the area where Motorcycle parking is located, BART will temporarily move the parking to a different section of the parking lot. Look for signs showing the temporary location. Motorcycle parking will be restored to the original location as soon as that phase of the repaving work is finished in that area (about 3 days).
The work will include some grinding and trenching work which may cause dust and noise.
As the work proceeds, the contractor will insure that safe access to the open lots and to the station will be available at all times. There will be signs, barricades, and flag persons, when appropriate, to guide riders through the construction area.
This work will repair and/or improve all the parking areas, access roads, and drop off areas at the station. Once the parking spaces are resurfaced, they will be restriped and re-numbered.