The plaza above Downtown Berkeley Station will have a dramatic new look designed to improve both safety and walkability by Fall 2017, thanks to a project approved by the BART Board of Directors on April 14.
The Board voted to move ahead, in partnership with the City of Berkeley, with a project that includes a new main entrance enclosure, new furnishings, landscaping, paving, bus shelters and LED lighting.
"The new design will open up space on the plaza for cafe seating and community events," said BART Director Rebecca Saltzman. "I'm especially excited that the redesign will enhance bus, bike, and walking connections to BART and will make the whole area more friendly to pedestrians."
In keeping with a new statewide focus on stormwater management, all on-site stormwater will be treated through bio-retention planters and landscaping.
The project will also bring changes within the station with improved signage throughout the station and plaza.
The $7.6M project authorized today is expected to begin this June, and be completed by September 2017.