Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) and AARP in St. Louis, Mo., are pursuing another bus stop restoration project. The St. Louis Metro (MetroBus) stop located at 13th St. and Gravois Avenue near Soulard in the city of St. Louis has been selected as the site for the next “Transit Stop Transformation Project.”
The bus stop will be transformed into an active, engaging corridor with vibrant colors, seating, shading and green space.
The MetroBus stop at 13th St. and Gravois Avenue was selected out of 44 nominations received through the “Build a Better Bus Campaign” launched in early October, inviting residents from around the region to nominate a bus stop within the St. Louis City limits for revitalization. A selection committee featuring representatives from CMT, AARP in St. Lous, the dity of St. Louis and St. Louis REALTORS chose the MetroBus stop based on various metrics, including the assessment of the space and the availability of community partners that could help bring the transformation to life. Public input will play a key role in determining what design concepts will be incorporated into the bus stop.
Once initial input is received from residents, design concepts will be created and residents will be able to weigh in one more time before the design is finalized and construction begins. The project is expected to be completed by January 2025.
“We are excited to be moving forward on the MetroBus stop at 13th and Gravois in the city of St. Louis,” said Kimberly Cella, executive director of CMT. “Out of the nominations received, partners felt this stop offered the greatest opportunity for change and an opportunity to provide a template for other stops. We look forward to bringing this project to life.”
Similar transformations have been completed at a MetroBus Stop in Maplewood, the Emerson Park and 5th & Missouri Transit Centers in East St. Louis, the Belleville Transit Center in Belleville and the North Hanley Transit Center in North St. Louis County. Construction is also underway for the transformation at the Fairview Heights Transit Center.