TX: UltraLED Purchases Assets of Privately Held LED Lighting Company

Jan. 21, 2014
UltraLED Lighting Inc. announced the asset purchase of an undisclosed, privately held LED lighting company on Jan. 21.

UltraLED Lighting Inc. announced the asset purchase of an undisclosed, privately held LED lighting company on Jan. 21.

The acquisition increases the LED lighting product offering of UltraLED Lighting, Inc. across all fleet vehicle categories and the aftermarket 12V industry with more than 75 new product SKU’s.

“UltraLED has 16 years manufacturing experience in fleet vehicle lighting, primarily in the school bus industry. This strategic acquisition significantly increases our product offering across several markets and positions UltraLED Lighting to be a major player within all fleet vehicle lighting industries”, said Branden Smeltzer, general manager of UltraLED Lighting Inc.