The Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission awarded the Port of Allegheny County $8.2 million for three projects designed to reduce traffic congestions and air pollution and improve public transportation in the county.
Two of the projects are funded through the federal Congestion Mitigation Air Quality Program (CMAQ), which requires a 20 percent match from non-federal resources. The commonwealth of Pennsylvania is contributing a combined $3.08 million to these two projects and Allegheny County is contributing a combined $379,000.
The Port Authority will use a $5.4 million CMAQ grant to build a new transportation center in Wilkinsburg that would upgrade passenger amenities and access to Wilkinsburg Station along the East Busway. The commonwealth is contributing $2.1 million, and Allegheny County is contributing $260,000 toward the $7.8 million project.
An additional $2.5 million in CMAQ funds will help with the installation or replacement of about four miles of sidewalks to transit routes. The highest ranked program within Port Authority’s 25-year long-range plan, NEXTransit, is safe access to transit. Construction on the $3.6 million project is expected to begin in 2025 with Pennsylvania contributing $981,000 and Allegheny County contributing $119,000.
The third grant the Port Authority received is in the amount of $280,000 from the federal Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program. The grant will be used to increase the physical waiting area at eight high-use bus stops through the purchase of rubberized extension pads. The total budget for this project is $400,000, with Allegheny County providing a $120,000 local match. This project is expected to begin in 2023.
“I’d like to thank the SPC for its positive reviews and approval of these projects,” said Port Authority CEO Katharine Kelleman. “These investments will go a long way toward improving mobility throughout our region.”