Parabit Systems

Roosevelt, NY 11575


About Parabit Systems


35 Debevoise Avenue
Roosevelt, NY 11575
United States of America

More Info on Parabit Systems

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Welcome to the new generation of engaging digital signage! Parabit kiosks, avatars, and charging stations can be customized for any business. Utilize digital signage for advertising/ROI, and our eTract and eBrochue WayFinding/digital brochure software to attract users.

All content from Parabit Systems

Mass Transit/Joe Petrie
Parabit uses an animated character for its kiosk after studies showed people were uncomfortable with a projection of an actual person and wouldn't engage the units.

DSE 2015 Sees Signage Get Interactive

March 13, 2015
The 2015 Digital Signage Expo has its share of new signage technology and companies making their way into the market, but a new trend has emerged in the industry to take it to...