Quester Tangent

Saanichton V8M 1X6


About Quester Tangent

Quester Tangent is a leading North American manufacturer, supplier, and integrator of train electronics and software solutions for the passenger rail and locomotive industries.


6582 Bryn Road
Saanichton V8M 1X6

More Info on Quester Tangent

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Quester Tangent is a leading North American manufacturer, supplier, and integrator of train electronics and software solutions for the passenger rail and locomotive industries.

Products and Press Releases

TrainWise Display

TrainWise Display

Nov. 17, 2014
TrainWise displays are elegant, powerful, easy to use, suitable for cab operator and maintenance personnel, and ruggedly designed for the on-train environment.
TrainWise Monitoring and Control Unit

TrainWise Monitoring and Control Unit

Nov. 17, 2014
TrainWise monitoring and control components can be configured in myriad ways to provide a fully integrated suite to support high levels of customization and functionality.

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