The SWTA Freedom Through Transit Annual Conference is excited to land in Denver, Colorado. The mile-high city, March 5-7, 2018. Join us for the region’s most comprehensive conference. 8 states under 1 roof. Hear from notable industry leaders. See the latest transit technology. Knowtransit’s challenges and visionary solutions. Enjoy the mountain air.
- Full 3-Day Conference Registration: $350 (members)/$450 (non-members)
- One-Day Conference Registration: $200 (Monday/Tuesday), $100 (half-day Wednesday)
- Maintenance Certification Course: $350
Specialized FTA Grantee Training: Join FTA Region 8 as they conduct a 3.5-hour training session designed specifically for tribal transit or small urban/rural transit providers. Ask questions, hear updates, and have specialized attention on the areas you need answers.
Topics to Include:
- From DREAM to DO: Creating a life that is more meaningful and full of purpose.
- Who are the Partners in Your Neighborhood?
- Disaster Preparation: Lessons Learned Throughout the SWTA Nation
- What is the Face of Human Trafficking?
- Infrastructure Investment: P3’s in Urban and Rural Environments
- Operations Safety Track: Emergency Evacuation Procedures, Zen and Defensive Driving Training
- Tracked Learning: Procurement, Technology, Mobility Planning, Public Engagement
- Specific Tribal, Rural and Small Urban FTA Training
- Maintenance Certification Course
- CEO Bootcamp
- Advanced Wheelchair Securement Certification
- Denver RTD & Greeley-Evans Transit Tours
- FTA Living Room Session