Advantage Products Corp.

Cincinnati, Ohio 45242


About Advantage Products Corp.


11559 Grooms Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45242
United States

More Info on Advantage Products Corp.

Manufacturer of TREDS Rubber Footwear, which includes footwear for the transit worker: Super Grit Slip Resistant Boots - available in both over-the-shoe and over-the-foot styles.

Products and Press Releases

Supergritslipresistantovershoeboots 10067692

Super Grit - Slip-Resistant Overshoe Boots

Sept. 14, 2009
Aluminum oxide grit sole bars for great tractionDurable epoxy traction bars are embedded with aluminum oxide chips and permanently bonded to the sole with US Military spec epoxyExcellen...


Samuel Weber

VP of Operations

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