Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) is launching Safe Trips to BART, a systemwide action plan to improve roadway safety. The plan builds upon existing or ongoing planning work led by local and regional agency partners and complements ongoing efforts led by BART, such as the Safe Routes to BART grant program, other station access studies and projects and the Transbay Corridor Core Capacity Program.
The goal of Safe Trips to BART is to identify investments that could reduce or eliminate traffic deaths and severe injuries, such as transportation infrastructure improvements on roadways in and around BART station areas and BART service improvements that encourage more people to take transit instead of driving.
BART notes that while Safe Trips to BART is a system-wide action plan for roadways, the project will identify some Focus Station Areas for individualized action plans and tailored infrastructure improvements. The final plan will enable BART, cities and counties to apply for funding to implement recommended improvements at Focus Station Areas, other stations and for the BART system at large. The development of the plan is funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Safe Streets for All program.