Helbiz to offer its AI helmet selfie technology

July 14, 2022
HelmetChecker, which the company developed in-house, will be available to micro-mobility operators looking to meet the compliance needs of markets.

Helbiz, Inc. is releasing its HelmetChecker, a real time AI helmet verification, for sale to micro-mobility operators looking to increase the ease at which they meet compliance requirements and increase the safety of their riders.

The technology has been piloted and launched within the Helbiz app already.

HelmetChecker uses AI and computer vision to ensure that a rider is wearing a helmet and has the strap secured. Micro-mobility operators are able to use HelmetChecker to stop a vehicle from unlocking until it confirms helmet use or provide incentives to riders. Helbiz says this is a solution that goes further than warning screens or pictures that are checked manually post-ride.

“The HelmetChecker has been a game changer for Helbiz and the value we can bring to cities,” said Salvatore Palella, CEO, Helbiz. “With 99.7 percent accuracy, this technology can help other micro-mobility vendors remain compliant and improve rider safety, while bringing a new revenue stream for Helbiz.”

There are no SDKs, lengthy integrations or AI engineers needed. Helbiz adds all it requires is passing an image through the HelmetChecker API and reading the JSON response that includes a verdict and confidence level reading.

Pricing for the product will be a monthly subscription fee and a per-API-call fee per image submitted.

This is a product developed by Helbiz Robotics, the company division focused on innovation in AI and computer vision.