OH: Man Walking Home from Train Station Followed by Pig

May 21, 2018
A sober Ohio man called the police to report that a pig was following him home from the train station.

Police in a Cleveland suburb thought they had a drunk on their hands when a man called to report a pig following him home from a train station.

A North Ridgeville, Ohio, officer arrived on the scene early Saturday to find the man was very sober. And he truly was being followed by a large dark-haired pig.

The officer managed to get the pig in his patrol car and transported it to the station and reunited with its owner.

The pig, according to CBS News, is named Zoey.

Read the complete article at https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/man-walking-home-from-train-station-followed-by-pig/2018/05/21/79f69056-5ce9-11e8-b656-236c6214ef01_story.html?utm_term=.a03c1f9a4884