TX: DART Officer killed, Four Dallas Police Officers Killed in Dallas Shooting

July 8, 2016
The Dallas Area Rapid Transit family is grieving the loss of police officer Brent Thompson, 43, who was killed during Thursday night's protest in Downtown Dallas.

At least five Dallas police officers were killed and seven others wounded Thursday evening in an attack by snipers in downtown city streets that followed a peaceful protest over recent police shootings. The Dallas police chief said an attacker told authorities “he was upset about the recent police shootings” and “wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.”

The city’s downtown suddenly exploded into violence at around 9 p.m. when gunshots echoed through the streets, sending protesters and police officers alike scattering for cover. Authorities said two civilians were also injured during the shooting.

More at:

Five police officers killed in Dallas, seven others wounded during shooting at protest

Live News on Dallas Sniper Attack

Dallas Transit Officer Killed in Shooting Married Just Two Weeks Ago

Slain Dallas transit officer Brent Thompson recently married

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