EKE-Electronics Ltd.

Espoo FI-02240


About EKE-Electronics Ltd.

EKE-Electronics Ltd. is a supplier of intelligent train systems. The product portfolio includes train management systems, communication networks and gateways, event recorders, user interface displays and other intelligent solutions that make trains m


Piispanportti 7
Espoo FI-02240
358 9 6130 3241
358 9 6130 3300

More Info on EKE-Electronics Ltd.

EKE-Electronics Ltd. is a leading, world-wide supplier of intelligent train systems. The product portfolio includes Train Management Systems, Communication Networks and Gateways, Event Recorders, User Interface Displays and other intelligent solutions that make trains more comfortable for passengers and more profitable for operators. Since 1985 EKE-Electronics has been delivering products for various railway rolling stock projects, including metros, high speed tilting trains, InterCity trains, EMUs, DMUs and both diesel and electric locomotives. Today there are more than 10.000 EKE-Trainnet® systems in a daily operation around the world.

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