Hypertronics Corp.

Hudson, MA 01749


About Hypertronics Corp.


16 Brent Drive
Hudson, MA 01749
United States

More Info on Hypertronics Corp.

A provider of high performance electrical connector and interconnect solutions for the most demanding applications.

Products and Press Releases

Hotplugcontact 10067140
Bus Builders, Components & Accessories

Hot Plug contact

Aug. 16, 2007
Provides live plug capability to more than 50 mating cyclesImmune to the effects of shock and vibrationCarries a low contact resistanceTested to applicable sections of UL1977 ...
Hypergripconnectors 10067150
Bus Builders, Components & Accessories

HyperGrip Connectors

Aug. 16, 2007
High reliability, IP67 sealed, RFI/EMI shielded, circular plastic connectorsVersatile but simple keying system so that the wrong connector pair can never be mated.Uses a standard...

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