Sound Transit Light Rail Ridership Surges Ahead in November

Jan. 6, 2017
Sound Transit Link light rail weekday ridership surged 94.8 percent in November above the same month in 2015 as the new Link stations that opened in March and September continued to expand the system’s popularity.

Sound Transit Link light rail weekday ridership surged 94.8 percent in November above the same month in 2015 as the new Link stations that opened in March and September continued to expand the system’s popularity. 

Combined boardings on Sound Transit light rail and commuter trains and express buses grew 33.4 percent for the month compared to the same period last year. 

Link averaged 66,237 riders each weekday in November, up from 34,003 weekday riders for the same period last year. Saturday ridership increased 103.5 percent to 44,130. On Nov. 7, a Seahawks game helped generate an estimated 85,000 Link boardings.

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Sound Transit

Sept. 26, 2013