Accessibility and infrastructure projects at St Clair and St Clair West stations and in the right-of-way began on June 19. The projects were required in preparation for the TTC’s new, low-floor accessible streetcars, and for general state-of-good-repair maintenance of the line.

Some highlights of the work completed over the last five months include:

  • Reconstruction of streetcar loading platforms at St Clair Station
  • Installation of PRESTO fare gates at St Clair and St Clair West stations
  • Replacement of overhead wires inside streetcar loop at St Clair Station
  • Upgrading of streetcar tracks and overhead wires at St Clair West Station
  • Retrofitting a four-metre section of each passenger platform to ensure customers using mobility devices can easily board the new, low-floor streetcars.
  • Placement of tactile strips on passenger platform for accessibility

The TTC thanks its customers and local businesses for their patience as we work to modernize the system.