Cincinnati Streetcar Launches Safety Videos as Part of "Be Streetcar Safe" Campaign
Learn how to “Be Streetcar Safe” with the newly launched series of animated Cincinnati Streetcar safety videos.
Created by local production company, Lightborne Communications, Inc., the five safety videos provide helpful and easy to understand tips to make riding the streetcar or traveling alongside it safe, fun and enjoyable for all.
Each 30-second video focuses on tips for bicyclists, pedestrians, drivers and individuals with disabilities, as well as a general safety video. There is also a 60-second, instructional “how to ride” video.
There will also be a Cincinnati Streetcar Disability Awareness Day at Washington Park on July 30, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. This will be an opportunity for the general public, especially those with disabilities to get onboard and become more familiar with how to catch and ride the streetcar, as well as travel along the route safely.