Two public forums to gather input for the development of the 2016 Kansas Statewide Rail Plan Update have been scheduled for mid-July.
Kansas Department of Transportation representatives and a team led by CDM Smith consultants will provide brief presentations about the Statewide Rail Plan Update process and solicit input and perspectives from attendees. The update will detail freight rail transportation and existing passenger rail service as well as capture concepts for improved and potentially expanded passenger rail service.
“Public participation is key to the update and will provide for a fuller understanding of the challenges and concerns from urban and rural perspectives,” said KDOT’s Freight/Rail Manager John Maddox.
The date and location of the forums are:
Topeka, Tuesday, July 19
6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
KDOT District One office
121 S.W. 21st St.
Wichita, Wednesday, July 20
5 - 6:30 p.m.
City Hall
455 North Main St.
The public is invited to attend and provide feedback directly to the project team. For more information about the 2016 Kansas Statewide Rail Plan Update, please contact John Maddox at [email protected] or 785-296-3228.