CapeFlyer 4th of July Ridership Exceeds 2,000

July 6, 2016
The CapeFlyer has announced that over 2,000 passengers rode the train to and from Cape Cod over the holiday weekend.

The CapeFlyer has announced that over 2,000 passengers rode the train to and from Cape Cod over the holiday weekend. 

CapeFlyer stated that it was truly exciting to watch the genuine enthusiasm being displayed by the hundreds of visitors who choose to ride our unique seasonal rail service as opposed to having to sit in traffic for hours trying to make their way to its beautiful piece of the Commonwealth. CapeFlyer now has several options to get around when riders arrive such as local buses, ridesharing, shuttles to the ferries, Zipcar and biking that will conveniently get riders to their final Cape destination. 

"The 4th of July really signifies the beginning of the summer and we anticipate having busy weekends and happy customers right through Labor Day" stated CCRTA Administrator Tom Cahir. "Whether for a day trip, a weekend visiting family and friends or any other reason let the train do the driving so your vacation can begin as soon as you are on-board,” Cahir added.