Parsons Joint Venture to Provide General Engineering Services to BART
Oct. 9, 2014
Parsons, in a joint venture with Acumen (APJV), is pleased to announce that it has been selected to provide general engineering services (GES) to the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) over the next 5 years.
Parsons, in a joint venture with Acumen (APJV), is pleased to announce that it has been selected to provide general engineering services (GES) to the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) over the next 5 years.
“Parsons has more than 50 years of experience participating in Bay Area transit planning, design, and construction, and we are excited to be a part of the top-notch GES team that will support BART over the next 5 years,” said Todd Wager, Parsons Group President.
The APJV team—composed of 11 subconsultants—will deliver top-flight services in an array of technical disciplines, including architectural, civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, and systems project work. The team’s selection sends a clear signal to the community that BART is committed to diversity and the expansion of small businesses at the prime level because the APJV has the highest commitment to disadvantaged business enterprise (DBE) participation of any of the teams selected for BART’s GES roster.