A small group of employees at one of Japan’s larger railway operators, JR West, were made to sit in a tunnel along the tracks used by the high speed shinkansen trains.
The group was divided into two and separately led down into a small groove between train tracks measuring about one meter wide and one meter deep. Wearing hard hats and safety googles, they waited for 700 tons of glass and metal to come hurling by within a few feet of their heads at a speed of 187 miles per hour (300 kilometers per hour).
It is part of a regularly held training session for those in JR West whose work is connected to safety inspection so that they can get a firsthand look at the importance of their work.
Read the complete article at https://japantoday.com/category/national/safety-staff-made-to-sit-right-next-to-bullet-trains-running-at-300km-h