ON: Experts Fear for Toronto’s Long-Term Transit Plans if Province Moves to Upload Parts TTC

Aug. 27, 2018
The Progressive Conservative Doug Ford's victory in Ontario's June election has reignited conversation about the province taking partial control of the TTC.

Though Premier Doug Ford’s new government has yet to announce detailed plans for what might be in store for the city-owned transit system, experts and former city officials warn that giving control of parts of the network to the province could do significant damage to Toronto’s long-term transit plans.

The proposal is only a limited upload, in which Ontario would take ownership of subway infrastructure but the TTC would continue operating the lines and collecting fare revenue.

Read the complete article at https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2018/08/24/experts-fear-for-torontos-long-term-transit-plans-if-province-moves-to-upload-parts-of-the-ttc.html