DC: Metro’s New 7000 Series Rail Cars Need Wiring Replaced

Aug. 8, 2018
Metro must replace faulty wiring on every single one of its new 7000 Series rail cars in a process that could take a year or longer, according to a new internal review that also found other significant issues tied to the rail car manufacturing program.

Metro must replace faulty wiring on every single one of its new 7000 Series rail cars in a process that could take a year or longer, according to a new internal review that also found other significant issues tied to the rail car manufacturing program.

Since the cars first went into production in 2012, wire crimping has never been done properly, a review by Metro’s Quality Assurance, Internal Compliance & Oversight office found.

That has contributed to incidents where rail cars have problems that can create significant delays.

Read the complete article at https://wtop.com/tracking-metro-24-7/2018/08/all-of-metros-new-7000-series-rail-cars-need-wiring-replaced/