DC: Trump Infrastructure Cuts ‘Debilitating’ to Public Transit, Say Local Officials

March 21, 2018
Leaders of public transit agencies across the country spoke out against the administration’s proposed cuts to federal transit funding yesterday.

Leaders of public transit agencies across the country spoke out against the administration’s proposed cuts to federal transit funding yesterday, expressing dismay and confusion at how the changes would conflict with Trump’s stated goal of improving the nation’s infrastructure.

At a D.C. press conference hosted by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), the organization’s president and CEO Paul P. Skoutelas said that while the group is fully supportive of the president’s stated goal of improving infrastructure, the proposed budget cuts would sacrifice federal transit funding. By redirecting money towards more highways, it would, in effect, “rob Peter to pay Paul.”

“It seems the administration is trying to pay for the package by cutting vital public transit programs,” said Skoutelas.

Read the full article at https://www.curbed.com/2018/3/20/17143736/trump-infrastructure-public-transit-budget-cuts